Joy versus Professionalism: Must We Choose? (My Take on #MedBikini)

Recently a research study that measured unprofessional” behavior on social media by spying on vascular surgery resident physicians through the creation of fake social media accounts by the authors of the study was retracted by the Journal of Vascular Surgery. This is my response to the article that prompted an uproar by many in the medical arena who opposed the article, dubbed #MedBikini.

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Guest UserComment
Women Physicians in the Midst of COVID-19

I am a professor and cardiac anesthesiologist who practices at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. As the majority of health centers across the world, our leaders are working around the clock to treat COVID-19 in our community. We on the front lines are preparing, educating ourselves daily on rapidly changing plans and treatments, and working to keep ourselves, our patients, and our families safe from harm.

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We Are Anesthesiologists: What You Need to Know

Whether you are 1 day old or celebrating your 90th birthday, you are our patient. Which means we have to know a lot about diseases. We have to know about how drugs work, as we have to make sure the therapies we give you do not interact with the medicines other physicians have prescribed to you. No disease exists that we do not have to know something about, because you all are in our care. 

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Fix Us STAT: A Call To Action

You cannot work in medicine today without being inundated with burnout statistics and commentary on your feed, coming to your inbox, or spoken from stages about the state of medicine we are in. The data is dire: we are disengaged, we are making mistakes, we are not heard, and we are not empowered to make decisions.

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Advice to the Younger Me

As a woman in medicine, where the odds for pay, promotion and leadership are stacked against me, I feel obligated to light the path for younger women who come behind me.  It has taken me a while to be comfortable with my style of leadership, own my own voice, be able to regroup after rejection, and tolerate feeling on display and yet often invisible.  

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Saying Goodbye

There are moments as an anesthesiologist you can’t erase.  No matter how long you go home and sleep, or how many days pass, you won’t forget it. All of these moments involve saying goodbye; while the scenarios change, the message is the same. 

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Pulling Weeds

Sometimes we let ‘weeds’ - very small but negative distractions, creep up and take a strong hold and become intertwined in our lives. The weeds that are obvious – different color, textures, ugly, we pull immediately when they are small. The weeds that say: I don’t belong here – those are easy to pull.

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