Posts tagged #womeninleadership
Advice to the Younger Me

As a woman in medicine, where the odds for pay, promotion and leadership are stacked against me, I feel obligated to light the path for younger women who come behind me.  It has taken me a while to be comfortable with my style of leadership, own my own voice, be able to regroup after rejection, and tolerate feeling on display and yet often invisible.  

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Pulling Weeds

Sometimes we let ‘weeds’ - very small but negative distractions, creep up and take a strong hold and become intertwined in our lives. The weeds that are obvious – different color, textures, ugly, we pull immediately when they are small. The weeds that say: I don’t belong here – those are easy to pull.

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My Battle: Frozen Car Disease

If anyone has similar experiences while pulling into your garage, please let me know. I am interested in studying this unknown disease and figuring out ways to combat it. Surely, somewhere, there is someone who pulls in, jumps out of his or her car with total glee, walks in and says “Honey! I’m home!”


For the rest of us, there is hope. It’s called retirement. And graduation. In the meantime, I’ve stashed dark chocolate almonds in the console of my car.

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My Top 10 Tips for the Young Physician

How do I balance my home life with physician life?

I really want to do a research study. How do I start?

These are a few of the questions I am often asked by junior physicians, or even peer physicians. I thought I’d share with you some the top 10 pearls I share with others, as you may find something helpful.

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Medicine Requires Trust

Medicine requires a large number of teams. A physician may spend her day with multiple teams – made up of different groups.

Nurses. Technicians. Pharmacists. Physicians. Physical therapists. Perfusionists. Multiple people, each with different skills, must trust one another to take care of a single patient.

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 Confessions of an Anesthesiologist

I am on my first week of vacation with my kids since last August. It's nothing I'm proud of - in fact, I'm ashamed of this fact...I'm entering conference travel season, and I've been dreaming of a week away from the hospital for months. Our cardiac anesthesia team is short - getting vacation is like finding a black chevron Chanel mini.

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