Encouraging and Empowering Women to be Brave Enough

THE TABLE by Brave Enough

Where Women Gather to Thrive


When women get together, magic happens.

Women often feel the most isolated in the middle of our lives, but that is when we need the most support. Women heal through community, thrive in community, and learn how to negotiate, how to set boundaries, and which skincare routine is the best! Brave Enough has amazing online communities for women to stop being isolated and live connected, well balanced lives. Join our community below!

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What is the Table?

The Table by Brave Enough is a coaching community for professional women who are overwhelmed, isolated, and lack self- care. Come on in for everything from solid workplace advice to input on navigating relationships at home, to fun, friendly, and fab connection, in a low-pressure, come as you are environment. Need to know how to ask for a raise, hire a nanny, or choose the right heels for date night? Want to brainstorm work, home, play? We’ve got you covered! 

The Table by Brave Enough is the ONLY professional membership group that meets both the professional and personal needs of high-achieving women. Contrary to what you hear, you do not have to CHOOSE between your career or your wellbeing.

Through weekly teaching, encouragement, accountability, and other resources, Sasha will show you how to have a personal life AND excel in your career! You will learn that you do NOT have to sacrifice your personal life to excel in your career, nor do you have to forgo your professional dreams to take care of YOU! You will get concrete career coaching PLUS style and lifestyle tips. Learn to love yourself and create a life you do not need to escape from. Sasha brings you weekly encouragement, accountability and on demand teaching on critical, The Table is where high-functioning, high-achieving women dive into life changing topics in order to THRIVE in all areas of their life! 



The sisterhood you need is right here.

Are you struggling to find time for yourself? Can’t remember the last time you spent quality time with a friend?

We believe in the middle of life, when we are the busiest, is when we need other women the most. You need me sister, and I need you!


The More Than One Movement

 Changing the status quo: More than one woman candidate, more than one woman at the table, more than one woman on the panel.

What is the More Than One movement by Brave Enough®? 

It is a mission based on one singular action to increase ethical leadership and improved practices for us all: if you want to make a difference in your environment, assure there is more than one woman included where decisions are being made. Invite more than one woman. To sit the table. Interview more than one woman candidate. Ask more than one woman to speak on the panel. Recruit more than one woman into leadership positions.
